Monthly Archives: August 2008

Wake Up and Smell the Music

"Don't you see what's happening here?...wake up and smell the music"

"Don't you see what's happening here?...wake up and smell the music"

Origin: Wake Up and Smell the Coffee + Face the Music

Sharpest Cookie in the draw

“His performance was so-so.  Let’s face it, he’s not the sharpest cookie in the draw”

“His performance was so-so. Let’s face it, he’s not the sharpest cookie in the draw”

Origin: sharp cookie + sharpest knife in the drawer

Moving Beast

They change their minds from one minute to the next, the whole thing is a moving beast.

They change their minds from one minute to the next, the whole thing is a moving beast.

Origin: moving feast + nature of the beast

As sharp as a button

“A very impressive candidate – as sharp as a button”

“A very impressive candidate – as sharp as a button”

Origin: sharp as a knife + bright as a button

Making a meal out of a mountain

“What a drama queen, always making a meal out of a mountain”

“What a drama queen, always making a meal out of a mountain”

Origin: make a mountain out of a molehill + make a meal of it