You’re flogging a gift horse

“I’d give up if I were you, you’re flogging a gift horse”

“I’d give up if I were you, you’re flogging a gift horse”

Origin: flogging a dead horse + look a gift horse in the mouth

“Flogging a dead horse” has many wonderful variations, let us know which you have heard or say…they don’t have to be mixed could just be an evolution.

3 responses to “You’re flogging a gift horse

  1. I actually though ‘flogging a dead horse’, meant trying to ’sell a dead horse’.

  2. “Beating a dead horse”

    I always through this was correct because I’ve heard a lot of people use it, but iamdawn insists it’s “flogging” :P

  3. There’s probably something in here about “Beware of Greeks flogging a dead horse in the mouth”.

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